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Sudbury is a city in Northern Ontario, Canada. This city is known by two official names: Grand-Sudbury in French, and Greater Sudbury in English.
The city of Sudbury is located on the Canadian Shield, also known as the Laurentian Plateau. It is bounded by 330 lakes, the most notable of which are Lake Wanapitei and Lake Ramsey. Lake Wanapitei is known as the largest lake in the world completely contained in a single city. Lake Ramsey had the same title until Wanapitei gained the recognition after the municipal amalgamation in 2001.
Tourist attractions in Sudbury, Canada include the city’s mining heritage, several famous landmarks, establishments for Science and Technology and the different venues for Arts and Theater. The city is rich with ore deposits dubbed as the Sudbury Basin with many different profitable elements – hence, its progressive mining industry. This heritage has led to two major tourist attractions of the city, Science North and Dynamic Earth.